Tuesday, March 18, 2014

the true nature

he came and sat on a simple bed where his devotees 
brought him sustenance that was from the earth 
where all things grow well when tended to with care 
he took the bountiful offerings and regarded them as his own Self
for where were the distinctions of this and that to a one in pristine silence?
he would sit on his bed and give darshan, a look to his eyes that bore thru
the ego with one glance 
oh yes, my dear souls .. one glance is all it takes from a master that is true 
so when he gazed at you, the heavens awakened within and what was false 
as the shadow that rises, would sink low and vanish
that quickly, nothing said, nothing done -- only a look
when a soul came to kneel by him and he sat with an open heart, his heart would 
fill up
like an empty vessel that has waited in the sun for fresh rains 
and when the rains came to this parched vessel, it would be revived and glow of life 
that was sleeping it seemed and waiting 
the seeker then, knew himself to be pure and of one heart and mind 
the first time this happens, it is so stunning and the knowing or understanding that comes
so completely different than mind … like the sky, boundless, yet grounded in 
the life force … no one is there .. no one is home, and yet all moves so gracefully,
spontaneous … 
no death exists here my friends, not even a drop, not even for a moment
and so the seeker basks in this …
one day when he was sitting still and calm, a man came to him and said,
"what is this world? and how can i be rid of this suffering?" 
and the sage said, " this world is like a dream, it is insubstantial as all that is seen for it 
comes and goes… it is here upon awakening and dies in deep slumber … where is it then?"
the seeker knew not what to say, but he could not deny that this world disappeared every night 
and came back to him upon opening his eyes …
"to be rid of suffering, spoke the sage, is not anything you need to worry about.. just simply remain as 
you are. this is all and be quiet, not letting thoughts intrude… self inquiry yes, but not by rote 
mechanical asking… nothing will change this way… an open heart is the best thing, an open settled 
presence and not worrying about when and all of that…. what weight you put on yourself.. why keep
heaping more and more?"
the seeker just sat and sat and eventually bowed deeply thanking the sage and moved on his way…
the sage, when he got up, walked out of the ashram into the open air that smelled of earth and animals 
that roamed about and smoke from the fire pit that was dying away…
the world to him was like all else.. not distinct and separate from the Self … 
when he walked about the grounds, his devotees would walk with him and offer comfort for his 
form and offer water or set down a cloth for him to sit on when he rested…  
he would walk up and around the mountain that he loved so dearly 
he would sit down a long while and be happy there, lit up with radiance and peace …
stillness was his nature
like love that was living, like joy that was living 
stillness was his nature 
and what he spoke of was that stillness is the true nature of ALL
not just in one special soul
this is not true ever 
stillness is 
and is in ALL equally without end 
this is is what is the TRUE nature 
may it become the center for all that are wanting to be free


  1. Namaste, Thank you for the beautiful writing about Ramana. A powerful reminder of the stillness. It is very appreciated here. OM

  2. namaste, you are welcome .. it seemed to be what flowed out this morning… shanti om
