Friday, March 14, 2014

never away from the source

pour out the world into the heart
it will melt there
like wax melting from a candle
it will melt
and the dross will be washed away
that has come from being in the world
as a *doer*
then, my dear
the mind will not be clouded
and driven by that which is empty
in nature
like phantom mist
that rises above the beautiful heart
and enshrouds it's majesty
it is like this with mind
and as a one that is blind
knows not what this world appears like
so a one that is in ignorance knows not the
and in himself has no understanding of what
is truly there
under the darkness
but as one that is blind can see when the
blinders are removed
so one that is purified is freed and knows
this life as it is
a clear, tranquil presence
in which all moves within, but truly goes nowhere
not ever away or apart in reality
this is the truth
that there is no death in reality
for all just simply moves and yet
stays eternally grounded in love and light
as God and in God
and never away from God
or the source

why bother with mind
my dear
the heaven and hell realms are what they are
energies that come and go
like all things
not a reality to a one that is free
for this one
is not moved by that which comes and goes
but remains seated where he is
which is in truth
and that which comes and goes plays on
but the mind remains unattached
like a wheel that turns
but remains motionless in the center
do you see this?


  1. Namaste, thank you for the writing, grateful to hear this at this time. The truth is felt reading these words. Om.

  2. namaste, you are so welcome.. shanti om

  3. Namaste, I see this :-) the deep calm in the center. At times life feels like a dream and I am watching it happen. When driving feel like the body and the car are moving but not going anywhere, almost dizzying. All that comes and goes on its own. Thanks you for the pointers. Deep appreciation from the heart, for the Grace given here. OM

  4. namaste, you are welcome.. shanti om

  5. Thank you for helping me see this. Om Shanti Patrick

  6. namaste,
    you are welcome, may it become a direct experience.. shanti om

  7. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Thank you Guru Siddhananda for this writing. For sometime now, I have been having kriyas in which I would be looking at the centers of wheels. Now I understand that its pointing to be in the stillness of truth within, and to be detached to the motion around the center. Thank you for that pointing. It was also easier to see actions coming from ignorance when it was immediately compared with the actions coming out of the practices. Thank you for the clarity of the pointings.


  8. namaste, this is simply phenomena that plays out -- no need to attach any meaning to it … the practices are indeed grace-filled.. may you continue consistent with them.. shanti om

  9. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Thank you for the clarity.


  10. namaste, you are welcome.. thank you for reading and om
