Wednesday, March 19, 2014

March is the month of Guru's birthday

Such blessings of deep compassion and wisdom that flows without self-interest from our dear Guru
How much her presence has blessed our lives!

The time of Guru's birthday is a time to be in deep gratitude
The time is one of great auspiciousness as this light of truth has risen to bring refreshment to souls in the dark.
The time is full of great potential to make progress within and be in stillness.
The time is one of basking in the blessing of good company and rejoicing that the path has come into being ...
as this path carved out by our Guru has brought great changes for the good in our lives.
This path has brought peace where there was once tears and confusion
It has lit the way for us to be out of earthly woes and sorrow
It has brought laughter and fresh life  where once there was confinement.
The blessing of the presence of Guru in our lives is beyond measure
Beyond compare 
No words can ever express the gratefulness
Hari OM dear Guru


  1. Namaste, truly no words can express the gratefulness of having Guru G in our life's. Knowing her makes once heart bloom like a rose. What a blessing! What a joy!! Hari OM dear Guru

  2. Namaste indeed! Thank you!

