Saturday, December 7, 2013

dwell in the heart

a single thought I
is what brings in it's wake maya
who is the goddess of deception
she plays in this field of egoic graspings 
she comes in and fills the mind with untruth
how she is not to be taken seriously or 
held dearly 
for she will capture the spirit and put it to sleep
with her voice that speaks of the world 
and desires and all of that 
no, friends 
dwell in the heart of all
where God is the king and the mind 
is shed of this force of darkness
bring this egoic playing out to it's end 
bring it to it's destruction in the sea of knowledge 
then what remains is not of this world 
it is of purity and love and heart 
i cannot say it another way
but cast out this force straight away
for there is not a being on this earth that walks 
free if he is bound by ego
drink this nectar as if it is the very last drop
of pure love 
come and seat yourself in the heart 
be sturdy and quiet 
be in the natural state 
which is non-dual perfection 


  1. Namaste.. Thank you for the reminding to not feed the egoic mind and feed the heart instead. Pranams

  2. Namaste, you are welcome.. good to see you here .. shanti om
