Wednesday, October 23, 2013

how can this be?

has kali any more cutting to do?
and where is it that there is 
can you see it in the mind?
or see it outside of you?
this is an interesting trick
is it not?
that mind tells of all these things 
when it cannot be shown
not here or there 
not forward or back 
not in front or behind 
not above or below 
not inside or out 
there is mind to be seen 
oh for heavens sake this is 
kind of a strange fix 
for if mind could be seen
as some-thing then well maybe 
one could say yes,
there is such a thing as mind 
and such a thing as me and you
but it cannot be shown 
so, are you dancing in it 
somewhere lost?
how can this be when you are 
not ever away from this present moment?
how can this be?

what makes a sage to be a sage?
it is not that he looks different 
or acts different 
or walks different 
or talks different 
he has a form 
he has a personality 
he has all that any soul has 
and yet he is free
how can this be?
because he is simply in quietude 
there is no longer an active 
ego in him
nothing else is different about him
so what is this ego?
it is an attachment to body/mind
which is composed of the "i" thought 
which comes from where?
from where does this "i" thought arise?
it arises from nothing 
but this cannot be understood by intellect 
it can only be cognized directly
in stillness
it can only be cognized after much 
sadhana (lifetimes) 
but the funny thing is that one has never 
gone anywhere 
through it all 
one is and has always been free 
it is just this ego that is the covering 
which is made only of energies 
that put together something of a persona
but again, this is only thoughts 
that will be lost in the absolute 
if one perseveres 
and does not lose sight of the heart 


  1. Namaste, Step by step, the letting go is a do. Story fades as barriers fall, there is no story, all made up out of nothing, a bad habit of circling energy, a lie, an act. All is heart, all is love :-) Blooming, opening continuously. Hahah, Kali has lots still to do..... at her feet. Till all is lost for ever. Om Shanti.

  2. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,

    Thank you for pointing out that the mind/thoughts has no real existence. Thank you for asking one to persevere until it is seen for what it is.


  3. Namaste, you are welcome... om shanti
