Friday, October 11, 2013

calm waters

as the ocean rises in the mind 
the created is born to be seen 
and when the ocean dies down 
the uncreated is known as one heart 
this is what the scriptures speak of 
and the sages sing of 
it is known in the stillness of the soul
where there is nothing that has ever 
existed but one 

by this light there is no more understanding 
of this and that 
there is simply the direct cognition of all
which is the perfect heart of God 
not in this world is there this truth 
it is found in the still waters 
of the source 
that shines in splendor 
in fullness and glory


  1. Namaste, Experienced such oneness here, that there is a knowledge came of consciousness Not being in this body, but in every body that come about, moving, doing its own thing. And I is THAT. Got to break all the ties/attachments of being this limited vehicle called body with a name and a status. As none of it is true! What an illusion! What a lie!!! AS soon as thoughts go, the truth is known. It is simply known. Its an ocean of being, and that's that... Looking forward to the hurdles, as there will be many LOL But so Thankful for being here.... and everywhere :-), and for being able to peak at the truth. In deep gratitude, love and appreciation. OM SHANTI.

  2. namaste, a blessing that you have had such tastes.. may it spur you onward to complete the journey om shanti

  3. Namaste, DEEP appreciation. Very thankful for the Grace! Such blessing all that is given. OM Shanti.
