Friday, March 8, 2013

one love

dear one
i have you here now
this is where it is to begin
without your haunting
world inside
and without separating
i have you here to say to
your soul
rise forward
be the beauty that you are 
be without your shelter 
be in the heart 
make your life wondrous
and filled with grace
put your efforts into stepping 
out of the shell that you hide
away in
come out into the sun of life 
be within yourself easily
not always grasping 
or creating covers 
send the mind away 
to play elsewhere 
be within the heart 

dear one
i have you here now
with the soul breathing 
the moment 
with the heart open
to what is being said
with the sound of life 
rising and falling 
and the evening resting still
i have you here to say
i am what you are 
non-dual in nature
dissolved of seeking 
without identity
to a heavy form
equal to your heart 
is this truth
the same music of life
pours through 
not different 
and the beautiful
in this one soul
of all
not separate

dear one
i have you here now
to say to you
be a living light 
not afraid and shying away
from life and challenge
be the sun that you are 
awaken all that is hiding 
in you to come forward 
and be set free
there is nothing in there 
that has power 
but what you give it

dear one
i have you here now
fresh within the moment
like a one listening 
to discover yourself
this is what you are to be 
a true one 
do not turn away from
sincere pointings of 
the heart
imbibe this truth well
drink deep of this fresh
and though you may 
not feel it strong in you
it is working deep
within and will 
get to the roots 
of suffering 
it will work night 
and day to 
destroy the barriers 
that mind lays down
it will knock the dream
that is choking out 
pure life 
so the soul can breathe 
fresh air at last

dear one
i have you here now
to say to you
the love of life 
is one 
it is unconditioned
and not harnessed 
to another 
it freely flows
and is inherent in the 
it is compassion 
deep as the ocean
and thick as the 
hearty forests 
open as the sky
this is true love 
not to ever go away
here always

dear one 
i have you here now
in peace and joy
i say to you
life is pure always
not divided in thought
not kept by one
and set apart from another
not free here 
and divided there 
no not ever 
life is pure 
as the lotus 
that blooms 
and unsoiled 
as the white dove
life is



  1. Namaste, so appreciate these offerings -- shanti om, vicki

  2. Namaste, Thank you for your comment... always good to hear

  3. Namaste - nice one, like the verses.

  4. namaste --always appreciate the comments... great night and om

  5. Namaste, this sure speaks to the deep within. Can`t get enough of this at times. Drinking it all in. After reading feeling calm but high at times, something is bursting out with powerful force. THe smell of the rain, the trees, the flowers, the colors are all brighter and more beautiful than ever. Thank you! Deep appreciation. OM

  6. Namaste - wonderful to hear of the barriers dissolving.. breathe it in and enjoy... shanti om

  7. Namaste, Bowing in gratitude.. OMMM

  8. Namaste- Much appreciated for these poems..Om
