Wednesday, July 11, 2018

see this is the way


vision this morning

initially the clouds were seen
and a cord was attached there golden looking
that connected to the earth


moving thru a cloud tunnel
one could view the variety of shades of
grey to white and all the patterns of
shapes and texture
moving thru as if being transported

at the end of the tunnel
the open sky with light and sun
flowing thru
opening into that vastness
and then out of that and over a dark jutting
mountain into the sun

then the cloud tunnel emerged again
as one journeyed thru the end of the tunnel would
open now and again
one time there was a peek at the world with people
moving busy in their daily life
a large building could be seen and a man walking along
with a brief case
he was moving quickly with the crowd to get somewhere
then that closed
and the clouds parted again briefly
what could be seen then were leaves bright green with
sun melting into them
the leaves fluttering in the breeze
this happened again a few times where nature visions
were seen and a peek at the world and then that would close
leaving one in darkness
and again the vast sky

there were other visions too that i cannot recall now
these were sharp visions, crisp, textured and vivid
still happening these visions changing all the time becoming
more subtle and emerging again
nothing still as all consuming and taking over one 24/7 like before

but here now my friend
comes another
and there is nithyananda the avadhuta
and a hand emerging
like pointing
see this way is the way it feels to say
onto the path of one
leaving baggage of heavy world behind
not to look back at what was left
keeping it creates heaviness like this is mine and that is yours
and this is my world
and the other world out there with it' drama
all this phenomena flows of the same source souls indeed
like a prism of light
flowing from the original source


  1. Namaste, thank you for sharing this vision and the pointing. OM.

  2. Namaste, Thank you for sharing the vision.
