Saturday, May 12, 2018

spirit session 5/12/18

moon over still waters
timeless moon
secrets there
secrets hidden
secrets water
secret light
hidden in heart

moon reflect open
open heart
heart of psyche

will open mind
open heart
to this connection
living grace of this
this saint like energy
of purity
open to that

*heart being open
and then have brilliance of moon reflecting
and then the stillness
the stillness that's there
it is like questioning mind and
and seeing that it is like a reflection
you haveto be still in order to see it


there is a book open
bible passages
bible open
each word has something of value
with words that string like line of shakti
come out

*they have their own energy
the bible passages
have their own energy
they carry weight and energy in what they
are saying

they are like all things
not to be viewed like
here i am
like i read, i memorize
listen with something else that comes from all things
with these passages
not like with, i remember this about me
this about full

*don't intellectualize and memorize
be open to full depth of meaning
some want to take things out of context
and spin into something else
like prosperity messages
which takes it 180 degrees away from
(Christ's) teachings
you haveto look at the whole thing
the whole passage
rather than take it out of context

life like this
like one with things
not like me orient
life like this
and bible passages
speak to passage way to heart

*it is an opening to heart if you understand it

what is seen is a round light
through there is a passage way
it is like a path that is seen thru that
that narrows and goes deep into this space of light
that is what the passages are like
like a thorough way
(to the heart)

*one must stick to narrow way
within honesty integrity transparency
"broad is the way to destruction
but narrow the way to salvation" is the quote
that comes

1 comment:

  1. Namaste, thank you for sharing these messages. OM.
