Friday, January 1, 2016

happy 2016

why does Milarepa have his hand to his ear?
because he can hear the whole cosmos
he can hear a pin drop
he can hear the drum beat of life
with that ear
he can hear the heavens open
he can hear the waves rush on
he can hear the sound of one hand clapping
he can hear the man and woman uniting
he can hear the heart that awakens to truth
he can hear what the mind does not know
that all is zero
and all is yet to be discovered
moment by moment

happy 2016


  1. Namaste, indeed. Great pointing to read this morning. There is a definite emptiness that is sensed inside. All due to being here. All due to reading this. Very greatful. Happy 2016 and many more to come. Shanti om.

  2. Namaste - thank you for this New Year's post!

  3. Namaste! Thank you and Happy New Year! The story of Milarepa gives hope to us all!


  4. Namaste, thank you. Happy 2016.
