Monday, January 4, 2016

like the dawn of morning...

i was not knowing of this time of spirit 
for i was simply living life the way i do 
and it came to me like the dawn of morning 
over the mountains 
in my heart it rose like this and a sea of phenomena
with spirit was born 
the dawning of this spirit life is not anything i knew of 
nor will it come again in the same way and fashion
like a playing out of spirit personalities and forms 
that talked of their lives past and where they are at 
in consciousness 
this time that came is not to be understood by mind 
for i do not understand it either 
but it is to be heard for it's message of heart 
also, it is to be heard for it's message that all is transient 
in nature and will rise to the surface and then 
vanish to be reborn again at another time 

i was simply given this gift of spirit 
for a time this way
my dears, i was simply living life the way i do
and it came to me like the dawn of morning 
over the mountains...


  1. Namaste, grateful for all that came forward during that time, thank you for sharing that. ommmmm

  2. Namaste..thank you for including us in this understand. It shattered my belief of life and death.

  3. Namaste, thank you Siddhananda!


  4. namaste, thank you for the comments... Happy new year to all... om shanti
