Thursday, December 10, 2015

into the unknown, vision this morning..

flowing vision this morning:

what was first seen was a blood red curtain pulled to
one side with an opening into a tunnel/cave type of thing
(the blood red representative of the world with it's suffering
and all that goes on in that mentality)...

then one goes thru the doorway of that and enters into
a tunnel and travels there for awhile, the walls are dark
and earth-like, light breaks thru here and there ...
the image of a large bowl then arises
some hands are seen next that are holding the bowl
a person appears and this person picks up the bowl and
draws it to her mouth..
as this is seen, a nun's habit appears on this person and
in place of the bowl, there is a chalice, then the nun begins
to take holy communion..

there is a girl too that appears, she is dressed in a coat
that has a variety of colors on it....
the coat falls from her form and one can
just see the coat there, mostly red laying on the ground
the colorizations of the world are shed...

as one continues to travel, the edge of a cliff is seen
where some translucent shapes of people manifest
these people begin to climb down the cliff and as they do,
their form gets absorbed into the rocks and becomes the
rocks with rough dark texture ..

traveling farther down, one can see the ocean with frothy
and it is heard, when you enter in there, you don't know,
you don't know anything...
you die to what you thought you were ... you are reborn
into that Pure IS...

what is seen next is an image of an urn sitting on the shore of
the ocean...
the waves come closer and closer to it and pull it into
the churning water...
there are great white frothy waves that are very
active and rushing, washing over that urn again and again
until that individual soul (or urn) is lost to view and is no more..

this is the end of this vision

om shanti


  1. Namaste, very stilling read as usual. Very deeply appreciated and heartfelt. Beautifully flowing description. Like it all. Om shanti.

  2. Namaste, nice vision, thank you for sharing. om

  3. Namaste. be washed in. .thank you.
