who loves me (the pure soul)?
the one who does, he is quiet inside
and not projecting into the next moment
or fretting over the past...
he is still inside...
see, this is the utmost sacrifice, prayer, yoga,
mantra, devotion, puja, worship, surrender...
because when the mind is still these energies
are silenced as well...
they are not in motion anymore...
they are like the fuel that is burned in the fires
of purification and what remains is not about
anything that mind can generate...
so my friends that seek, please take a breath
and be quiet, not lost all your imaginings, doubts
and thoughts...
for the God source is the most knowing and gives *potential*
for thoughts to be, but thoughts are like a ray in
relation to the source, not the truth....
God source is the pure intelligent ONE
how can a ray or a fleeting thought compare to
and the God source is what is to be trusted entirely...
not a fleeting thought that has no true
substance of love, light, purity and peace eternal
within it....
may this be seen and lived my friends of heart...
when God source is entered into without leaving
a residue of a persona... all moves in accordance
with divine law without interruption ....
this means that what is taking place is always right
and well,
completely balanced -- and though outwardly the action
may appear ordinary, the mind is still, one-pointed --
completely absorbed in the moment at hand, and nothing
else exists --
within this stillness, no more energies of mind (karma) are created
to bring sorrow to the soul --
this is purity
it is a fresh field where the meeting is not of two, but always ONE
there is nothing divided any longer...
this fresh field is pure potentiality --
the mind cannot be present there or else this moment becomes something
else entirely -- it becomes a creation of mind, a story.. an illusion...
but, oh souls how the God source is filled with compassion and gives
entirely of itself and offers yet another chance to gain it's grace
by opening the heart and becoming united with it's love and light and
....again and again and again... it offers this grace...
*NOW* my friends there is yet another chance to settle down into yourself
and not be stirred by every passing thought, whim or memory...
how these energies are like water that runs and drips down and dies away
never to be caught....
one can NEVER find beauty and peace there ...
come now... do not be stirred by this illusive playing out, but be stirred
by your soul that speaks clearly to you -- you are perfect in spirit, true and
sturdy inside and not of these boxes you define yourself by ...
the body is not you --
the thoughts are not you...
the qualities are not you...
you are ONE and without these transient happenings
come now --
live the life that you are called to --
and do not delay ...
come now
be still and allow what is true to rise and be
the center
this beautiful atman -- which is what you are in reality
minus what you *think you are*...
come now
be still...
Namaste, thank you. om that i am has been really helpful in dissolving the thoughts. ommmmm.
ReplyDeletenamaste, enlivened with Guru's grace... om shanti
ReplyDeleteNamaste Siddhananda. .I had forgotten about your writing. .somehow. I've found it and I thank you so much. ....
ReplyDeletenamaste, good to see you back.. shanti om