Tuesday, June 16, 2015

the sage

the sage 
is free of unrest 
he is unburdened like shiva
he is identical to the absolute
he is free of pride and lust 
he bears no mark of ignorance 
such as attachment to form and
he is rinsed clean of sin
he is a light unto himself
he is a prince of peace 
he is a bright glow
for humanity
he may sit on a tiger skin
or a throne 
or live in the streets 
as a homeless one
and remains unblemished
as his consciousness 
is changeless
and not affected by externals
he sees the world of many
but still his consciousness
is single 
always within shiva 
he has no relationship 
to any 
as he is completely alone
within himself
he is in stillness always
without ups 
and downs of the world
steady as the mountain range
fresh as the rains that come 
to a parched land 
swept clean of stories
of me and mine
shorn of coverings of identifications
he may seat himself in the lotus 
position on the earth 
or walk in the crowded cities
he may wear ordinary clothes 
or nothing at all
he may speak eloquent words 
or be in silence
he may sit by the waters 
and sleep in the deep forests 
with the creatures 
or live in an ordinary home 
he may be outgoing 
or quiet in nature
he may be uncomely
or wear a beautiful face 
he may embody a fine form
or be bent with age
and decrepitude
he remains unattached
and eternally free
of these appearances
he will not be comprehended
by those in mundane mind 
his divine state will be 
recognized only by those that 
are liberated 
as this is the same 
consciousness always 
o ne 
not high
not low 
not anything 
in between
without qualities
what remains when 
the mind falls away
this is the sage  


  1. Namaste, grateful for the sages that are a Light to all. om

  2. Namaste, pure llight of a Guru. Beautiful writing. Very nice to read. Thank you. Omm.

  3. Namaste, nice reminder that there is nothing from appearance which can rule out one being or not being a sage
