Thursday, November 13, 2014

she lives...

she is this life pure 
oh love 
she is this one heart indeed 
she lives to make you well and whole 
she lives to free the soul from bondage 
she lives to breath fire into your heart to make 
you die a beautiful death 
and then rise like christ rose as a spirit 
that was not to be touched by the world 
or suffering 
she lives in you friend 
inside the heart and she is still always 
like pristine waters 
she lives there still like the moment untouched 
she lives there still like music without a singer 
she lives there still like the full moon without cloud cover 
she lives there still like mind in it's original state
she lives there still like shiv and shakti in union
she lives there still like night made day
she lives there still like forgotten suffering 
she lives there still like mouna 
she lives there still like the majestic mountain
she lives there still like kali in her naked state 
she lives there still like freedom made manifest 
she lives there still like brahman, buddha, christ and God 
she lives there still like a sinless presence 
she lives there still like timeless purity
she lives there still like ardhanarishvara
she lives there still like a dreamless sleep
she lives there still like a dreamless reality 
she lives there still like a dreamless ocean of one 
she lives there still like a sun full, with great rays of light 
she lives there still like a tree of knowledge 
she lives there still like the impersonal one 
she lives there still like love undivided 
she lives there still like love without attachment 
she lives there still like love that winds it's way thru
all things seen and unseen
she lives there still like a united heart that has nothing 
but joy within it 
she lives there still like a sunset ablaze with life and colors 
so rich that one cannot look at it without feeling her presence 
she lives there still like a river that runs without encumberments,
but flows joyously on and on without end 
she lives there still like a fresh breath of air that gives of itself 
and keeps giving and giving 
she is like this my dear heart and how she does not take anything 
but the suffering away when the heart is open 
and rejoicing in her
she loves all that are open to her, (and loves all that are closed in heart as well )
but when the one that is open comes fully to her love 
that is made of beauty and truth only
she will bless this one well and give what is needed to burn the 
separate identity to ash…
there is no understanding her way as she is the fullness of all
how is the mind to understand this? something that is beyond the limits 
that mind places on the soul?
when one is open to her, she will be right there immediately like an 
angel of light 
she will be right there as a graceful presence and take and take the 
barriers away that make one feel they are separate from God
for this is not right to believe that one is separate and is like a body 
and mind 
this is not well at all precious ones 
but she will say to you with quietude and joy that you are one always 
and you are like a still beautiful glow that is filled with rich wisdom
she will say this with stillness…. this is how she speaks always to you
that you are free now and always 
you are without thought and without worry and without doubts in truth 
and you are like a light that is filled with joy
she is speaking this way now to you dear 
can you feel it?
can you taste it?
can you see it?
can you touch it?
can you savor it?
can you love it?
can you breath it?
can you let this be how it is?
can you forget yourself and let her be and let her speak to that which is always whole?
can you?


  1. Namaste, thank you for this writing, very soothing to read. Om.

  2. namaste, thank you.. glad it was enjoyed… shanti om

  3. Namaste Many thanks for these heart stirring words. Om Shanti

  4. namaste,
    video version:

    om shanti

  5. Namaste, "can you forget yourself and let her be and let her speak to that which is always whole?

    can you?"
    It seams to be the every days reality. Can one fully obide in that? No thoughts and it shines. Thoughts come in and it is occluded. ...Although it is never too far. Witness of all, it never changes. That which looks through all the eyes.
    Thank you for this writing. Beautifully connecting invisible links. Sinking one deeper, cutting it all till none left. Omm. Liza
