Sunday, January 26, 2014

this path

this path is not like the paths
that give a good feeling to the mind 
so that it gets comfortable and propped up
with sweet sounding words and such 
this is not to help the soul find the truth 
that is non-dual
what is needed is the sharp sword of kali
that will cut the conditionings to bits and 
leave the light to break through 

when the seeker comes to this path
he is not really aware of what a hard 
hitting path is like 
he is looking to be out of suffering for sure 
but does not know about the 
true challenges that are in store for the ego
the ego fights always to save it's life 
and will look for every out to keep it's energy
in motion and not be seen through 
as this means death to it 
so when the seeker comes to this path
challenges begin to be set in motion 
for ego immediately
the seeker may not always be aware of the 
challenges that are taking place 
many times these workings are not always clear 
but indeed if he is engaging the practices with sincerity
the ego is being worn away on one level or another 
and the truth will eventually be exposed 
and this is what allows the seeker to taste for even 
a moment the peace that accompanies no-mind 

it is very important to know that sooner or later 
a great challenge will likely come to each 
that is the blooming of the conditionings 
that have been long held within 
and  that have driven the soul for lifetimes
this challenge is not pleasant by any means 
it appears that one's world will be taken away that 
has been so closely guarded 
it is like standing on a rocky cliff looking down
and one knows not where the feet will land 
but one at this point must with all of the heart trust 
in the guidance that has been given by Guru
and go forward 
and see that what was driving them was unreal and made 
up only by the mind and not at all valid or lasting 
this may sound easy to understand 
but again it is not easy in any way to *live*
so many come to this point and run away and 
hide back into the shadows 
this is so very sad for them
the mind has exaggerated something so greatly and 
this type of fear based mentality takes hold 
many times these ones get so very stubborn about 
having *their* way and are not in any way open 
to listening to reason or willing to talk it out
and what progress that was made is lost for them
as they choose to take back their suffering and 
go on their way..
a thing so very hard to see

one has gained greatly from Guru's admonitions 
if at the point of challenge and crises 
there can be a witnessing of what is taking place 
rather than reacting 
as this will keep the soul steadier
and the wave will pass quicker 
ego will say "this will not happen to me"
"i am different" and all of this 
this is not true ..
do not get secure in any of this type of thinking 
and do not get in fear or worry either 
but stay steady in the grace given by Guru
and follow what is honest and right 
without letting the mind dictate your way
and when the hard times come 
know that there is nothing one cannot get through
with Guru's blessing in heart 
and an honest and open mentality
and that what seemed so very difficult
will turn around and it will be seen that 
it was the the best thing that was needed for 
one's journey….


  1. Namaste, thank you for the writing, a good headsup and warning to the ego here. Om.

  2. namaste, may you move ever steadily forward… shanti om

  3. Namaste Thank you for this pointing - It is just what i needed
    Om Shanti

  4. namaste, good to hear.. may you stay steady thru the ups and downs… shanti om

  5. Namaste,
    Appreciate these words.. Thank you!

  6. namaste, you are welcome… good to see you continuing forward … shanti om

  7. Namaste, Thank you for the heads up. Very appreciated here. OM

  8. Namaste Guru Siddhananda,
    Thank you for the pointing on the nature of the path, and for pointing towards not to let the mind dictate one's actions.


  9. namaste, you are welcome -- thank you for reading and om
