Monday, January 6, 2014

manna bread of life

manna bread of life
eat of it and live
as a sage lives in beautitude 
without end
he lives 

manna bread of life 
this food is here as the moment 
the spark 
the one 
it is not found somewhere else 
it is not found in the 
dust of experience 
or the world where man sets 
himself apart 
to be a person that is limited 
not ever is this true
for the body is a vehicle only
it is not to be taken as something other 
it comes for the sake of finding the heart 
that lives beyond it 
the heart that is not soiled by the world
and it's suffering

manna bread of life 
lives as freedom everlasting
savor it my friend 
then all is perfect in heart 
and all is without separation
manna bread of life


  1. Namaste, Beautifully written. Simple yet powerful reminder not to stray away. Thank you. OM shanti

  2. namaste, always welcome... shanti om

  3. Namaste- Thank you again - Om Shanti
