Wednesday, April 4, 2018

smile now please

energy speaks different much of time 
energy say something else that is rather surprising 
like i not know what will be written 
i do not have any knowing now 

here goes 

many moons rise on waters beautiful 
like sun rise over hills each morning 
many nights fall on land 
shaded in darkness where heads sleep on pillows 
with dreams 
skies brighten at dawn, mountain tops emerge with shadows 
waters sparkle with stars twinkling in them 
these things emerge spontaneous as all things emerge 
there is no doer in them 

beautiful waters flow in river beds churning over rocks 
with foamy white caps 
small pebbles move make clicking noise as touch each other 
grasses sway too with breeze over open valley empty with song 
of divine beauty
fine dirt there too with smallest pebbles 
sit still but move with breeze too 
and lift up to go with way of wind song 

as this play freely flows 
life lives dancing like men that throw burden  off
light in heart so freedom can live in that space 
light in breath, air, so freedom cannot be made into 
a box of something other 
the flower lights up with the best light filtered by sun 
brought to it sweetly
flower lights up
is there something that world not understand in this?
each one on earth know this  type of way of life 
of course 
not hard to know 
not hard to understand 

this mystery is inside soul too of course it is 
the inside and outside are the same 
waters flow beautiful on river 
have borders on each side rock hard with substance 
hold in the running water so it can go 
to ocean 
path is like this my dear too
hold in the flow of beauty to go directly to source 
if borders are infused with grace of guru blessings 
grace of heaven 
then waters flow to source without being caught in circles 
so easily 
treading water 
here i am in same spot again 
here i am feeling same like never changing 
need to flow to heart now and always 
to die to death of all 

this one writes here not knowing what comes 
my dear 
can you know that things just happen spontaneous 
without our participation
come now 
one need make efforts to be still
and then something else emerges 
opens of itself

here now 
is this writing today 
bring to heart and smile 
flower blooming brightly in the garden heart 
smile now please
om shanti


  1. Namaste, beautiful nature writing with nice pointing, thank you very much. OM.

  2. Namaste, Thank you for the writing. OM.
