Monday, November 13, 2017


for the saint 
the only birth is the body
the soul has always been eternally free
not this 
not that 
forever whole 

for the saint 
the heart is pure always 
as the seas are made glorious 
and the winds come from 
beautiful stillness
the rains 
and the seasons 
all rise and fall in the same heart
that is one self

for the saint
there has never been other 
only this one 
not ending 
not beginning 
as a light unto itself 
there is nothing that can touch
this purity

for the saint
the prison is the mind 
the mind that is not true 
as it is has no substance 
or constancy within it 
it is made of energy only 
and not immutable like 
pure spirit

for the saint 
all that is seen and unseen
is the same 
not living somewhere apart
and belonging to anybody
just is 
so very natural
yet ungraspable 
to mind

for the saint 
peace is not born 
because it can never die 
peace is what is real 
within all 
living as sat chit ananda

for the saint 
life is now always 
it cannot be contained in form 
and mind 
it is a mystery 
an unalterable reality 
that is shiv shakti in one 
not two
not two

for the saint 
love is uncreated 
it is inherent within the soul
of all
it has nothing to cling to 
nor can it be made into 
something to own
it lives always unencumbered 
with no blockages 
like a river

for the saint 
the one reality is what *sees*
as clarity
not the eyes truly
as they are merely instruments 
that are empty
seeing is of spirit
as well as pure intelligence 

for the saint 
me and mine fall away 
to never rise again 
in the heart 
all is well and 
forever one
at peace 

for the saint
men and women are simply 
forms of the same one 
not separate 
a play of God in all aspects 
but never dancing apart 
always undivided