Friday, September 16, 2016

the simple one

the poor man is blessed
the one impoverished of worldly
he is the simple one
he lives as if he has no clothes
or layers of complicated philosophies
he has no food to eat either that tastes
of drama (or the story of *me and mine*)
yet he is starving never
for he is a humble one
and lives on food that is wholesome
food that satiates his soul
happy, content
not looking always to fill some hole
that has only come from ego's stories
he eats the bread of God in faith
and what befalls him, he worries not about
his dwelling is simple
to him he has all he needs


  1. Namaste, simple and content. thank you for this. OM.

  2. Namaste, thank you. Om shanti. Liza

  3. Namaste -yes very nice and simple.

  4. namaste, simple is always good... thank you for reading and appreciating.. great night and om
