Saturday, August 20, 2016

making time

many rich traditions of the past are becoming diluted 
down to the point where they will one day die out 
this is so very sad 
for those traditions that have at their heart, the honoring 
of spirit and nature are so very rich with wisdom and lessons 
for humanity that could help to alleviate suffering and restore 
balance to the earth and spirit in a way that nothing else can

these traditions treated the earth like a beloved friend
and made from it's soil beautiful bright tools,
pottery, art and so much more that resonate with the song of love, 
joy and connection to all that lives 
these traditions gave back to the earth as a 
way to say thank you for what was given to sustain the life

this feeling of being connected to a greater whole in which all 
live and have at it's core the same heart is very lost now 
drowned out by other voices that speak of something that is not 
clear anymore 
and many actions are now steeped in ways that are so very far away 
from spirit that it is not recognized or felt any more 

it is very sad to see the earth spoiled the way it is and to see 
humanity's actions veer so very far away from God-source 
heartbreaking truly
and yet it is what is happening now 

there is nothing that can truly make changes in this way that 
is now deep in the mental attitudes/actions that we are now seeing 
but to make the journey to the heart 
and the journey to the heart is taken within a mind-set of simplicity,
openness, gratitude, quietude, and what brings the soul/mind peace,
not stirs it up more with questions, worry, doubts, desires etc...
for these will only be fuel for more of the same 

it is hoped that more souls settle down and make time for quietude, 
simplicity, reflection
spending time in nature and cultivating a character based on 
values of honesty, transparency and integrity
for without this foundation in place, the wheel will keep spinning in the direction it is 
and this vibration now is what will continue to be seen, felt, heard and passed on

so,  for those souls desiring of something that rings of heart, freedom, joy 
and are willing to go forward into this,
may you be blessed 
and may you find everlasting peace


  1. Thank you for these wishes. Greatful for what is given. Reading it hashes the mind and eases the heart. Om shanti.

  2. Namaste - great pointings here thank you!

  3. Namaste, thank you for this message on doing things from the heart, with gratitude vs with selfish desires. Om.
