Monday, January 26, 2015

same heart

we seek to be one always
whether we are searching in the world
to be united with another
or seek to be unified with the source
we have in our heart a great desire
to rid our souls of unrest and suffering ways

the man who seeks his heart in the world
is not always conscious of wanting to be one,
but he still is driven in this way

the sannyasa, he is very conscious of his
desire for freedom
and so he takes up the cloth, the rudraksha beads
and sits by the dhuni fire
with his mind fixed on the source
he cannot be defined by these outer trappings
because he may wear these energies within
and be outwardly very ordinary
but inside he is burning always
and knows he cannot turn from the path
of one(ness)/non-duality
even though he may suffer greatly
because he is not a person that wants
to be seen for his strength, beauty or even his words
nothing outward can please him
and make him feel content
he will only be content when his mind is still
and then his life is not his anymore
like the drop dissolves in the ocean
he then is free wherever he is
whether he speaks, it matters not
whether he works in the world, it matters not
whether he blesses others, it matters not
whether he is alone or in company, it matters not
whether he gives satsang, it matters not
whether he gives shaktipat, it matters not
whether he initiates the seeker, it matters not
whether he enjoys another's company, it matters not
whether he enjoys worldly pleasures, it matters not
whether he dresses outrageous or plain, it matters not
whether he is married, single or celibate, it matters not
whether he laughs, cries or breaks down, it matters not
whether he is gentle, intense, shy, awkward, bold, silly, cold, warm,
unmoving, moving, dancing, frolicking, performing rituals,
sleeping, complaining or looking whatever way imaginable, it matters not
it makes no difference to him
because he is not the outward playing out
like a wheel that turns and turns, but the still center remains forever
the same

so sons and daughters
do not be in judgement of the one that is done with the journey
and do not attempt to put judgement on a one that is within the journey either
for judgement is of the ego nature
it comes from the misconception of duality
and stems from wrong understanding

the outward appearances
how diverse it is
yet inside
the heart is the same
like the prism that breaks up into a
multitude of colors
but stems from a singular light
this is the atman
glorious and shed of all colorizations
not separate from anything

may all be steady on their journey
and let the heart be the guide
and awaken to the truth
or find
that which you seek in the world
and love and live it fully

shanti om


  1. Namaste, thank you for the guidance and blessing. ommm

  2. namaste, always good to see you here -- thank you for reading.. shanti om

  3. Namaste - well said, thanks for posting!

  4. Namaste, very appreciated. Very helpful reminders. Om shanti.

  5. Namaste, nice post, hits home - thank you for the post

  6. Namaste, thank you for the comments.. shanti om
