Saturday, June 28, 2014

song of pure life...

a long time ago 
there was a sage named Rhibu
he was manifested by Shiva 
who lived on Mount Kailasa
in the himalayas
he was taught by Shiva of the 
the timeless reality 
that lives beyond words, 
beyond mind, beyond all conceptual
Rhibu drank this wisdom deeply and
when he was illumined 
went to the holy mountains and taught
Nhidagha the essence or truth of existence
Nhidagha was a seeker that listened intently
to the words that poured like honey from Rhibu's mouth
his words were like rain to a soul that was parched 
and walking for many a day, year and lifetime
in the desert of maya with her spell of illusion
Rhibu spoke with beautiful words and a voice 
that sung without waver 
that all things and all playing out within the sensual world 
are nothing but Brahman
all is Brahman and nothing else…
all is consciousness -- 
everything from the grain of sand to the beautiful sun in the sky
all Brahman... 
Rhibu was a one that honored Shiva with his entire 
he offered his mind and body to him 
he offered his life to him to be taken in and 
bathed in the purity of this grace 
in which there existed no form or personhood
but was only made of the substance of truth (or atman)
existence, consciousness and bliss
with his full devotion, Rhibu gave his flowers of love 
which is his own self
that was longing to know what lies 
beyond this world of suffering and desires and all that comes 
with this 
he sang of the love that is inherent in Shiva or pure consciousness
and the purity there that is like the clearest pool of water 
stainless, without anything that speaks of separation 
void of any questions or seeking…
nothing like this exists within this tranquil essence
Rhibu was a sage that sung of the non-dual essence
he sang of what it was and what it was not 
(like all sages that are true) 
he sung with eloquence of the one -- the knowing beyond 
all knowledge 
he sung with love and joy of the the heart that shines in all 
without end 
without division
without me and you and this and that 
without death
nothing and everything 
he sang of life in it's purity….
Om Namah Shivaya…

this is the writing that flowed this evening…

shanti om


  1. Namaste, thank you for this writing, always inspiring to hear about the sages. Om.

  2. Namaste.. Thank you for writing about the sages who knew truth. Helps in seeing it more and more in clarity. Om

  3. namaste, glad to hear it is of benefit -- great day and om
