Wednesday, May 7, 2014

changeless truth

when a man gives away 
all of his possessions 
he is still left with himself 
he does not change 
when he covets objects and goes 
after this and that 
he is still unchanged in truth 
when he goes to the river to cleanse 
his soul 
he is still unchanged in truth
when he walks with wayward souls 
or with saints 
he is still unchanged in truth 
when he calls to the heart 
or calls to the heavens 
or loves or hates 
he is still unchanged in truth 
he is never out of beingness
even in the most dark places 
for truth is not found newly 
it is always and forever here 
as one pure light 
it is to be uncovered by the one that 
seeks with sincerity 
it is to be uncovered by the one that 
is not making up stories of deception
it is to be uncovered by the soul that 
leaves the body sense go
and forgets his little world of troubles 
and pleasures
and forgets his ego nature and forgets 
his most precious attachments 
for in these there is pain always 
even with the pleasure 
and he is to know this well and go out 
of this and be of his own light 
like a sadhu that is to be purified 
in the fires of Guru
he sits in this fire 
and lets the dust of his creation die
and with this death there is a blessed light 
that is effulgent and made of only love 
and silence 
silence, silence 
not anything else but this 
this brings an end to all that he is seeking 
and then he goes on to be himself 
as he always was 
just without the overlay of egoistic 
playing out 
the ego is the cover --
there is nothing else that overlays pure mind 
it moves and makes up imaginings that 
bring the soul to believe in separation
which is never, ever true 
so souls,
be living in yourself and make your life 
one of joy and rich being 
no matter where you are or what is happening
make your life one of silence 
then you can be wherever you are 
and be free 


  1. Namaste, thank you for this writing, very nice. Truth is always here. Om.

  2. Namaste, Thank you for these encouraging words. More Silence and less ego fighting itself needed here. Om Shanti

  3. namaste, good to hear .. shanti om

  4. Namaste, Thank you. Deep gratitude. Shanti om.
