Monday, December 24, 2012

Time with Guru (part 3) - the early days...

During the first several years
especially of being
in the presence of Guruji
there was so much generous sharing of
her life and wisdom which was such
an awesome honor

after our first meeting,
i spent the days with her while
the body and mind were
here and there, she would open
a spiritual text
and read out loud
passages that substantiated
her pointings ...

When she read the books, she
would pause intermittently to
explain what was being said
and the meaning and worth it
had for the spiritual path...
She read the Guru's sandals,
books on Hindu deities,
Buddhist/Zen scriptures
Christian texts and passages
from the Bible as well as
many books having to do
with self-discovery ....
her readings and explanations
were soaked in immensely and
greatly cherished
it really opened the heart up
to the beauty and depth of
spiritual symbology and
gave clarity as to where the
passages actually pointed to --

***the heart of all sincere spiritual
writings are the same -
and are meant to point the way
to the non-dual
nature in which all personhood
is dissolved...
this was made so very crystal
clear while listening to Guru..
Even symbols like the Guru's sandals
speak to what lies within
all hearts ---
(liberation and absolute pure
which is to be cherished
and held the most dear...
what Guru put much stress on
was seeing the purifying energies
such as Kali, Kundalini, Ganesha
Christ or what have you as
not separate from your own being..
and not to project out into feeling
there was something outside
that was to save you
or make things right...
this mentality only serves
to further duality and suffering..***

if a picture came up in a book
of Ma Kali or any other deity
or spiritual image
Guru would point out what the
the meaning of the symbology was
in the framework of how it
related to the spiritual search
and clear away any misguided notions
or superstitions around it that
the world at large appears to
carry much of the time...
she gave honor to the
images in a way that gave
them such vibrant
life and rich meaning...
really so very beautiful...
all of the discussions like this
with Guruji were completely
spontaneous and unfolded
on their own..
there was never anything planned
and it was so absolutely
clear that there was
no self-interest in her being
all was given freely with
no expectation or feeling
of ego present ...
what was given was given
and then forgotten...
this was so refreshing and
lacking of any burden of mind
simply, pure grace....

i learned quite early to not
always be asking
"what does this mean?" or
"what does that mean?" because
it seemed to throw a wrench on the
spontaneity of the flow ..
by doing this some other
jewel of information got missed...
and in time the questions that were
there (well most of time
they were forgotten)
but came
forward in the right time....
Guruji used so many words that i
had never come across before
(i really mean it when i say there
was truly no prior experience of
all that she was speaking of )
she used words like *satsang*
*flow*, * surrender*, *diksha*
*sadhaka*....   all sorts of
foreign feeling terms that i did
not ask her about, but waited
and of course the meaning became
clear eventually....

all in it's own time....


  1. sweet moving Light ... Yes, fresh living vitality ... beautiful to read this now - Om

    1. Namaste - so glad it is being enjoyed and appreciated...
      much love to you this joyous Christmas evening..
      maha shanti om

  2. Namste, Thank you for sharing! Beautiful, mind calming, heart expanding. Deep appreciation for all given directly and indirectly. OM

  3. namaste, happy to share of this time as it will not come again in the same way, but the grace and pure presence remains as is for all eternity.. this is the jewel one seeks ..shanti om

  4. Namaste- Thank you for sharing, very nice read..OM

    1. namaste, you are so welcome.. a joy to read and remember this precious time.. so glad to share.. om shanti
