Saturday, March 23, 2013


the Guru is the light that shines 
in body as the heart
not to be seen as separate 
from yourself 
the same within you 
is Guru

for the Guru
the way is always clear
of obstacles 
as obstacles are not real 
but made of thoughts that come and go
how much reality does this have?

for the Guru
the mind does not exist
it never has 
it was simply a dream 
that carries nothing of substance
and never will

for the Guru 
the present is all that exists 
unburdened by thought 
without a personal story covering it over 
this has no reality
to the one 
resting in truth

for the Guru
the mystery is the norm
it is not filled with awe 
or anything extraordinary
this is what remains
simply life in it's pure form
not anything else

for the Guru
there is no goal 
what is here is full and complete
nothing added
nothing taken away
no one remains to
strive for anything 
just is 

for the Guru
energy of emotion lives for the moment
it does not go on and on
in waves to start up again
and again
when it is gone 
it is finished 
not to return
this is all

for the Guru
the body simply moves 
in accordance with shakti
no matter this play
of outer appearance 
the still mind
does not change ever 

for the Guru
the absolute is all that exists
there is nothing other
never changing
never dying away
only this

for the Guru
clarity is eternally present
seeing without seeing
hearing without hearing
living and breathing
in the heart
is this light
within truth

for the Guru
there are no devotees
only one undivided essence lives
in reality
yet grace allows for those seeking
a way out
to be purified by this light
that is truly the same SELF

for the Guru
what comes, comes
what goes, goes
no one is there to attach to the movement
or create a story around it..
never is there anything changing
in this reality
that is one

for the Guru
the many are a dream
and unreal as mist on the water
it is compassion that sees one
out of suffering
if one is sincere
to rest within this same light
as truth


  1. Namaste - what a gift that shines here-- and am sitting here with Heart enlivened .... I am that I am

