Sunday, March 17, 2013

fresh water

here is fresh water, friend
i say to you be well 
and imbibe this moment 
like a one without cares 
and a one that is not worried 
about your life and body
for this worry
is what makes the waves 
of mind 
roll out and out

the only trouble is mind 
this is true 
as you will see when stillness
is revealed there is nothing truly here 
but a quiet *be-ing*...
all else was imagination

seated in the lotus position
or working in the world 
the mind can be heart centered
and within grace 
it matters not what the body is doing
the mind is what matters
and can be purified no matter
the action

you just think you are this and that
due to your conditionings
but what makes this any more right 
than a dream of being a king, a prince 
or a wanderer
all mere imagination
and shadows that will fall
when the mind awakens 
to truth

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