Sunday, May 12, 2013

tree of knowledge

tree of knowledge
what have you experienced
in the world today? 
nothing said the tree
for nothing has ever happened to me
i have been here within
stillness always
untouched by personal experience
i have been here as a new dawn
and sparkling waters of clarity
i have been here eternally alone 
like the full moon set in a
dark, starry night..
i have been as i am 
free and unborn like the sky
spacious and untainted
i have not been within coming and going 
as the world is
i have been here as timeless
absolute perfection
the world knows me not 
the suffering knows me not 
the man of shadow knows me not 
the wave of thought knows me not 
the intellect knows me not 
the dream knows me not 
the one that is becoming knows me not 
the one that is chasing pleasure 
knows me not 
the one that dies and is reborn knows me not 
the one that lives and breathes separation
knows me not 
for i am not of the worldly way 
i am as precious still waters
free and impersonal, non-dual
not to be *seen* by the eyes or heard by the ears
or tasted by the tongue ....
i live *alive* and well always as beauty, peace
and boundless joy..
i am not separate from anything or anyone 
nothing can be separate from me 
not a mountain or a single grain of sand 
i am sat chit ananda
shadowless, perfect and whole
tree of knowledge


  1. Namaste, Beautiful! Your writings lifting me up every day. Thank you for it! OM

  2. namaste - you are most welcome... great day and om
