Sunday, April 21, 2013

soap opera of *me*..

the cinema show is good entertainment for sure
it keeps the mind interested 
and absorbed in the drama
but one never feels it is about their life ..
they know within it is an act, not real 
it is a made up story about some characters that are 
playing a part ...
this is the way it is with the mind ..
it tells stories about a character called *me*
and that this character is doing this and that..
but it is not real -- it is made up by mind ...
like a movie ..
if one can look at this soap opera of *me* 
with objectivity like it is a repeating tape recorder ...
a drama that is not based on
anything truly taking place *now* 
or has any true power...
but is a transient energy .. empty in nature ...
like ripples on the water ...
moving out and dissolving again...
begin step back and *witness*
like watching a movie and observing 
(as well as engaging practices)...
then this mind can begin to be *seen*
for what it is...
which is *huge* step in the loosening of knots..

shanti om


  1. Namaste, thank you for this! You words put spin aside, cut through strait to the middle, amazing! Wile reading the thoughts gently pull away, feels like I am a tree lol Thank you. OM

  2. namaste, ha ha... good to hear of the deepening.. shanti om

  3. Namaste thank you for the heart pointings!


  4. Namaste, you are welcome -- thank you for the comment... shanti om

  5. Namaste Guru Siddhananda.. Thank you for this blogpost. Recognizing mindplay being another movie really helps in not getting caught up with it..

  6. namaste, you are welcome -- glad it helps .. om shanti

  7. Namaste- Thank you for this piece..Om
