Wednesday, April 3, 2013

conversation with Guru today -- on counseling...

what is Guru saying in terms of looking first at what binds
one in terms of conditionings?
what is seen is that -
there is a common theme to what drives one..
an underlying current of attachment or aversion to a particular story line 
that plays out in everyday activity ...
to navigate life in a balanced way,
the consciousness needs to be not so weighed down by
these patterns in mind --
some of which are not fully recognized 
or one is in denial of what is there --
and though one may *think* they are seeing what is there
and being honest...  
the underlying pattern in which the mind returns to 
has not been looked at in a clear way at all..
and keeps one treading water  --
to begin to be honest, there needs to be a clear seeing
of what  is binding -
to see it for what it is and what it is not...
so that it can be released and there is an opportunity
to be  freed up to move forward in a more beneficial way...
this is what Guru's counseling is about --
it truly has nothing to do with realization-- nor is it spiritual --
it is simply getting to the *nuts and bolts* of what drives one into 
mental spins and keeps the mind churning on the same themes within --
which plays out in *action* within everyday life in an unproductive way.. 
Guru's methods of counseling shed light on the conditionings and help
to funnel it down to the core of the problem --
then the fallacy of what is there is looked at and a door is opened 
so that there is an opportunity to go into life more open,
with more clarity and balance..
until one gets to the point of clearing out the underlying cobwebs, 
one cannot be fully aware or begin to live fully in honesty, transparency and integrity...
much of Guru's work is not *path* related at all, but more *practical* related
as far as pointing the way to navigating life in a healthier way -
which is essential to have in place before fully walk a path..
(if this is the desire -- if it is not, it aides in living life more fully and
with more lightness and clarity...)
for this to happen, there needs to be a willingness to *look* at what is there 
and to *take steps* to move forward and break the patterns that one has
locked themselves into...
what has been spoken of also, is that ego needs to be strong enough to surrender
which means that mind is not so bogged down with insecurities, fears and self-protective
*make space for grace* as Guru has said... this is really what it is about...

om shanti


  1. Namaste, really hoping to get counseling done soon. Thank you for another reminder about the importance of it. Omm. Liza

  2. Namaste- Thank you for the pointings again..Om
