Friday, February 2, 2018

sensor - woman of wands

When i was doing the other readings this evening, the pendulum tapped this card and then tapped my chest, like "you, this card is for you"....  and i must say dear friends, this feels just right with how the messages of spirit not just in the sessions, but always sing thru the soul.....

The voyager tarot guide book reads:

As a sensor you posses psychic powers which you receive through your wands of perception, your antennae (headdress, fingers, hair, skin, neurons, aura). Through the wand of the auric body, you pick up vibrations that give you mediumship and extraordinary sensory perception. Through the wand of excercising and attuning your physical body, you are endowed with clairvoyance (seeing the truth), clairaudience (hearing the truth) and clairsentience (feeling the truth). And through the complex wand of the internal nervous system, you assimilate great quantities of information quickly. Trust your way of knowing.

Your faculties of "psi" and intuition allow you to see through many masks, defenses and disguises. With an extremely discerning intuitive intelligence, look for the obscure and hidden, the good and bad. Far from tempering your razor-sharp perception, offer your observations honestly. You are a transmitter.

Natural and wild, colorful and artistic, sensual and ritualistic, you are a shamaness - here to vitalize, liberate and heal.


  1. Namaste, amazing the way these work, the card sounds very right. Thank you. OM.

    1. namast, i have found these pendulums to be magical, mystical, precise and beautifully clearing.. really amazing and wondrous... om shanti
