Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Ramana-Vision writing 9-17-16

he has been appearing to my mind lately
when driving today, i saw him
he was with his cow Lakshmi
this evening too, when lying down
i saw him with Lakshmi
he is patting her body with affection
and such love
it is hard to speak of this vision as
there is such pure silence around it
he is there, the saint
in his form, he is not present
for he shines as all
as the mountain shines of beauty
as the stars twinkle like diamonds
as the seas move with majesty
so he shines as all this way
he is with his beautiful cow that
has no sins upon her soul
for she is made unto the same light
as the sage
it is true
he puts a blanket over her now

then another scene
he is with Jackie dog
walking through a path
that is coming to the ashram
the dog
he is so intelligent and loyal
to the saint

the saint, he does not choose
to love anyone in particular
but loves all the same
unconditionally as the SELF
what is there that is more beautiful?
oh souls, this is the most beautiful
of all
for the dust of the world is like a
transient thing truly
do not take it to your soul
take light only to your soul
make your life full of it

the scenes change with the sage
near his ashram
his body is dressed in a loin cloth
like those that wander the hills of
his form is a bit crooked in the knees
from sitting meditation so long
he sat
in the mountain caves with very little
to no provisions
yet he survived it all
and came back to live a life that was
pristine inside

i remember seeing many years back
his book in my bedroom
and when i looked at it the image
became animated
i know another odd thing to write
but you must be used to it by now
for i am not so used to ordinary
life in my mind and so be it
i  told Guruji about this and she said
he must be helping you
okay, good i said

what is he pointing to? arunachala
the mountain that sits as the SELF
it does indeed
it is the mountain that many come
to be near and live within
it has in it's interior caves an energy
that ignites spirit heart
it lingers in one's soul as the fresh rains
and deep oceans and wonderful fruit of
the spirit
it awakens the soul to be in love with the
it is a beacon to many
it puts the God essence to be in the center
it puts love where confusion once dwelled
it puts mouna where mind once dwelled
it puts spirit where the physical was the

i can see him fanning himself
sitting on his bed smiling
a little squirrel by him
a smile that is radiant on him
tending to him are his devotees
they feel themselves separate
so serve him
yet he sees no differences ever

this is the end of this vision writing
i never know what is going to be written about
so may you enjoy it for what it is
thank you for reading
this evening

shanti om


  1. Just came across this one in the draft section ..

  2. Namaste, thank you. It is always very enjoyable to read. It stops the time in its tracks. It pauses...om shanti. Liza.

  3. Namaste - wow very nice thank you!

  4. Namaste, thank you so much for sharing this. OM
