Sunday, November 9, 2014

When Buddha walked the earth...

when buddha walked the earth
he put his baggage by the roadside 
and did not return there to pick it up
he walked thru the dark forest
of sensual experience
and sat by the wild animals 
and drank from the rivers 
and ate of the earth and shrubs 
and bruised his body on the rocks 
and forgot his past 
and forgot the world that spoke of attachments 
and dreams of this and that 
had he not walked into this jungle 
to find his pure soul,
where would he be?
a king for awhile that had all the things 
that money could by 
and all the luxuries and all at hand that 
was beautiful to touch and taste and experience 
but instead he chose the hard road of the mystic 
because in him blazed the fire of a seeker that 
was burning to know the truth 
when he was a boy he would sit by the trees 
and sit in meditation 
he would wonder about what the world was 
composed of... what it was made of... 
was it a solid thing?
was it something that could be held tightly to?
or was it as a dream that faded in the mist? 
how he wondered so many things like this
and felt his heart's desire becoming stronger 
to seek out the source of all..
then when all were asleep in their dreams 
and he was old enough 
he stole out into the night with his horse and companion
he did not look back or bemoan what he left 
he was as a mystic that would not be turned 
on the wrong roads 
what is this like my friends?
it is like a man that has in him what it takes to persevere 
and to not be persuaded to follow shadows and dark alleys 
that lead to perishable understanding 
for the heart is like the fire that consumes all other
and it is where the mind is to be focused 
when he sat under the bodhi tree
his mind was not looking back or forward 
but inward 
and he became the self of all
he was like the truth 
he was non-dual in nature 
and preserved eternally as this 
what has this to do with you dear souls? 
but to know he found the light unto himself 
that is the same within all
and this is where one is to sit and breathe and be 
like buddha all are awake inside eternally 
and to discover it
one must let go of the false shades of mind 
like this one that sat under the tree of knowledge 
how it is like this 
when one allows the tree of knowledge
to give cooling peace
to a mind that has been in the heat of the search so very long
and my friends 
did buddha worry about his comforts or what was to give him
pleasure or pain or make his life just right? 
he did not 
he lived in the open with no walls to hide behind or doors to lock
as the consciousness is vast like this without end 
without borders 
he lived in the open like being transparent and not seeking private space 
inside yourself to hide away in
and when he walked, he was barefoot on the earth with nothing separating 
his soul from the universe 
and when he ate, he ate what came to him no matter what it was 
he did not think about what he wanted or turn away what he didn't want 
this is a mind that is within equanimity always
not saying all the time within; this is good and that is bad
and this is right and that is wrong 
and when he spoke, his words flowed out spontaneously without thought 
like the river of grace that flows without obstructions 
and when he bathed, he bathed in the rivers or the rain washed his form
of dirt and mud 
as this is what came as grace from the universal mother to wash away the dross
with this blessing of being fully without covers and concealments 
he sat under the bodhi tree or the tree of great knowledge 
and sat and sat and sat 
and what he found there, was his mind that was cast in shadows 
of this and that 
separated out like rays of concepts and thoughts and all the rest 
but he did not look to the thoughts that chanted and tempted 
he looked to his own soul that was pure 
and with this seeing directly experienced the source 
and when he got up to move into the world
he was not in it like before
but purified as God is within light, love and quietude 
as this was what was always present, and not found like something new 
purity of consciousness forever lives here
never will it go away
how glorious is this 
and this time now, stillness is
be within it 
heart of all 
be here 


  1. Namaste, thank you for this, the path of the mystic, letting go of every desire/thought until the Source remains, very tough for the ego/mind indeed! Om

  2. Namaste.. Thank you for throwing light upon the shadows cast by the mind through Buddha. Thank you for the pointers for the seekers within that to be detached from the mind.

  3. Namaste, full dissolution of mind is no small thing for sure … may all continue to this end… thank you for the comments.. shanti om

  4. Namaste. Thank you. Deep gratitude. Always...omm. liza
