Sunday, August 11, 2013

Nisargadatta (in the natural state)

a sage named Nisargadatta lived in india
where he sold beedies (indian cigarettes) 
for a living
he lived in a simple quarters 
with his family
he had in him a desire for freedom
but this did not burn strong until
later when his children were grown
he would sit on the steps by his house 
and contemplate the pure soul of all
he found himself many times lost in the SELF
where he sank deeply
and he had no desire to come out of it 
he had a Guru that passed into maha samadhi
very soon after Nisargadatta was instructed by him
his Guru told him few words 
the main teaching was to stay with the *I am*
so he abided this well
his Guru had also told him that his spirit 
was eternal and beyond form and mind 
Nisargadatta talked to himself words like this 
why would my Guru lie to me?
this must be completely true that my being 
is eternal and filled with light 
he did not let the mind creep in to say words 
to dissuade and pull him into shadow
he kept himself on course by saying
why would my Guru speak untrue words?
and he would spend time contemplating 
his Guru's words 
he would not spend time convincing himself
he was this or that 
but would relax into his Guru's words
and little by little his mind became 
increasingly silent and filled with
love, peace and joy
he continued to sit in silence during his
free time
and eventually he sank into the source
thru the gate of the *I am*
which was to be his main teaching
after finding himself in truth 
beyond one shadow of a doubt
he wandered the plains of india
as a renunciate for a time
but eventually returned to his family
dwelling place
where he stayed and souls would 
come to him and ask questions 
which he would speak with great force 
and fire his responses 
he would speak with absolute conviction
and sterness about the true SELF 
in which all living beings are made of at heart 
he would speak to the eternal beyond form
he would speak to the life force 
the non-dual, deathless reality 
he had no fear anywhere and from anything 
he was a simple man of courage and force 
and fire 
he burned with truth and it was felt deeply 
by those that came near him
he passed into maha samadhi without a single
bit of fear 
he could not be that corpse
that is to turn to dust and blow
with the winds 
how very untrue and unreal that is 
and so he lives as deathless reality as 
all those that are within truth live 
as the SELF of all


  1. Namaste, thank you for these writings, very inspiring to see his total trust in Guru's words. OM.

  2. Thank you Siddhananda Ji - I was wanting to know more about Nisargadatta - these stories of the saints inspire me to stay on the Path
    Om Shanti

  3. namaste, the saints are awesome examples of what it takes to continue forward into the knowing beyond all knowledge.... thank you for your comment... shanti om

  4. namaste, it is such a beautiful thing surrender (100% trust)... this is indeed what it takes to enter those depths that wash all separation away.. shanti om

  5. namaste - a beauty indeed ... with doubt there comes a seeming falling and so grasping ... but with trust there is a natural lifting and lightness that happens as one lets go of the false and finds the barrier was the holding -- Nisargatta in his very holding/trust of his Guru's words, was letting go -- thank-you, shanti om

  6. namaste, you are welcome - thank you for your comment .. shanti om
