Friday, January 25, 2013

renunciate vows...

poverty, chastity and obedience
these are the basic vows observed within monastic life
that are to be fully honored if one is a renunciate
poverty truly points to emptiness of attachment to the world
which means to lay down the feeling of ownership within 
as well as the feeling of pride and vanity...
it does not necessarily mean having no physical possessions
although this is an outward flow at times of this vow
as within the traditional sadhu life 
this one owned not a thing and roamed the earth
bare, naked, completely free of possessions...
what is being spoken of here however is an inward letting go...
chastity, symbolic of purity (which includes celibacy)...   
is maintaining a clean inner reality and outward action that is in alignment
with the vows...   
as well as honoring the basic precepts of honesty, transparency and integrity..
celibacy is an essential of monastic living as to be without it 
solidifies bodily attachment and desire 
which is directly opposed to the purpose of renunciation 
as this signifies going beyond body and the worldly ways..
obedience indicates surrender or giving over to truth..
it does not mean to follow along blindly ..
but to yield to the light (of Gurus wisdom) without resistance and 
arguments (nothing more, nothing less)
these fundamental vows it seems have been very misinterpreted
and under appreciated for what they are...
though they may seem stringent to some...
they are truly the foundation to moving forward free of the body/mind complex
and an absolute essential of the renunciate life...  

om shanti


  1. namaste - celibate life is gift that opened spontaneous here -- feels free and alive as when child ... the energies that were bound in that world now freely flow in life actions anchored in Guru ... as all unfolds - 'thank-you'
    Shanti Om

  2. Namaste- Thank you for the pointings..Om
